Lionel Messi is a god among men. However, it seems even gods have overprotective mommies that look out for their best interests.
We have all dated that one lady that Mom just didn't approve of. Mommy had a way of seeing this lovely woman for the hellcat she was. There was a reason we liked her, and Mom was having none of it.
A recent interview from one of Lionel Messi's ex-gilfriends reveals that the issue transcends to millionaires that can do things with a soccer ball that I can only dream of.
Larry Brown Sports reports on Messi's one-time fling with current supermodel Macarena Lemos. Lemos gabbed with and LBS picked it up and ran with the translated text.
Allegedly the two were quite the item back in 2006. At that time, Messi's mother took quite an exception to Ms. Lemos and any mention of the two. Mama Messi just can't let this go. Here is a picture of the grown-up model.
We also have the video of Macarena Lemos breaking down the affair with Lionel Messi's mother.
The issue went above and beyond rational actions though. Lemos tells of a story where Messi's mom chased her around with a frying pan.
She was following me and taking photos until I turned around and asked her what was going on. That’s when she started insulting me. What was she doing there in the electronics section, with a frying pan in her hand? She was following me with a telephone and a frying pan.
I have never came out and said whether I had slept with her son. I was 14 and he was 18 – and I didn’t reveal anything about our relationship. She treated me like I was nothing, as if I were hanging from her son’s ribs. She seems to think I said something to a magazine, but I never did. They are confused.
There you have a rundown of all the important aspects, including an 18-year-old Lionel Messi dating a 14-year-old.
There is no place on this planet where that is okay. Arguably the best soccer player in the world is taking a tremendous hit to his reputation this week.
Whether true or not, he is being viewed as a momma's boy that once dated a girl so young it brings to question his moral fiber.
The man will soon hit the pitch and wow us with his brilliance. However, this is the kind of story that will go with him for his entire career.
Thanks, Mom.
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