Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

LeBron James' Cleveland Homecoming: Winners and Losers

Sal DeRose

The self-proclaimed "King" made his homecoming something special, something that showed how much of a hole he left this Cleveland Cavaliers team with. LeBron made himself feel like he was at home again and literally dismantled every defensive scheme that was thrown at him. James also made the jump to assassin last night as he put a dagger in the hearts of Cleveland fans and, general LeBron James haters, everywhere.

So here it is, the winner's of last nights Homecoming in Cleveland.

LeBron James

Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

LeBron James

Of course he is a winner. Do I even need to point this out? He was on fire last night and showed Cleveland who needed who. James shut up a good percentage of the crowd with his 38-point spectacular.

Every time LeBron was on the court he systematically broke apart the Cleveland defense with great passing and lights out shooting.

LeBron won this battle and, with two more battles to go. He faces off again against Cleveland in Miami on December 15th and January 31st then, he will have one more homecoming on March 29th. LeBron looked geared and blocked out anything the Cavs fans threw at him including an "Akron Hates You" chant that was pretty fun to say the least.

Verdict: Winner

The Entire Cleveland Cavaliers Organization

Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

Cleveland Cavaliers Organization

Of course one of the biggest losers last night was the Cavs organization. When you write a letter and virtually alienate yourself from everything LeBron, then come out and lose a home game to him you're a loser.

I'm sorry but both LeBron and Gilbert need some growing up to do. After LeBron had left Gilbert, the owner of sports poster company Fathead, changed the price of the LeBron Fathead from $50 to $17.41. For those of you who do not know the significance of 1741, it was the birth year of the most famous American traitor, Benedict Arnold.

Even reports are coming out now that LeBron had been jawing with most of the Cavs players and coaches last night. Fact is they let that happen. The Cavs didn't do what they could have to shut down the Heat and now have to deal with the scorn of home fans for losing to the one who burned them.

They have two more opportunities to beat LeBron and could take the season series but, if they play like they did from the second quarter to the end of the game, they have no shot.

Dan, next time when you write an angry letter to someone, don't use Comic Sans as your font.

Verdict: Losers 

Erik Spoelstra

Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images

Erik Spoelstra

He needed to win last night's game to stop all this speculation. Spoelstra has had a tough time to say the least this season. Between a cold bump from LeBron to speculation of Pat Riley stepping in, to alleged dislike of him in the Heat locker room, he has face a lot so far.

A loss to the Cavs would have been a huge hit not only to his ego but to his job security. Miami fans would have been calling for the young coaches head if the Heat left with a loss.

Before the game Spoelstra told the team that they were fighting for two of their family members. If that's the case they did an excellent job of protecting them. Although Zydrunas Ilgauskas didn't need it, he will be loved in Cleveland until the day he dies.

LeBron and company made Spoelstra look good last night and maybe now, the heat is off for coach Erik Spoelstra.

Verdict: Winner

Cavalier Fans

Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

Cavalier Fans

Last night was possibly an early Christmas for Cavalier fans. Enter the arena, watch LeBron get beat and tell him how you feel at the same time, nothing could go bad, right? Wrong.

Cavalier fans made LeBron feel hated last night booing the two time MVP with any chance they got. Every time he touched the ball he was booed. Every time he shot they booed. Every chance, they made him feel like Public Enemy #1.

It was a dagger into the hearts of Cleveland fans. They wanted that win so badly, to make LeBron feel like they have for the last five months. It was their shot and they failed and failed miserably.

March 29 is a new day, Cav fans. You have that last opportunity to hate LeBron all you want. Maybe that game you will be winners too! But, right now you're the losers and LeBron is the winner. Sorry.

Verdict: Losers


Ronald Martinez/Getty Images


The television channel came out HUGE because of last night's game.

Their ratings went through the roof with 7.1 million viewers last night, that translates to a 4.2 rating. They also had a 25.4 rating in South Beach and a 14.9 rating for the hometown fans.

Of course, most of Cleveland was in the stands last night booing LeBron and the cast and crew last night did an excellent job last night covering the game.

Any game that has the coverage of the great Sir Charles Barkley is automatically good coverage for their pre-game, halftime and post game coverage. Barkley even "dared" LeBron before the start of the game to do his trademark talcum powder toss. Nice one, Chuck.

Verdict: Winners

LeBron Haters

Gregory Shamus/Getty Images

LeBron Haters

I'll admit it, I am a LeBron hater. I was rooting hard for the Cavaliers last night. LeBron needed that shot to his ego.

But, watching him play was the greatest display of basketball talent I have seen. He was on all last night. He took it to everyone last night and, as a LeBron hater, I must say how dead I feel on the inside for him dropping 38 points.

He may have an inflated ego but he shut everyone up last night. The Haters can hate but, LeBron won last night and we must take our defeat gracefully. He has acted like a pompous egomaniac and no one can deny that. He has acted like a three year old through out this whole process. But, so has everyone involved in the whole LeBron to Miami deal.

The haters came out to hate last night and left with nothing. 

Verdict: Losers


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