Early Warning: Pac-10 and Big Ten Beware SEC May Snag Texas and A&M

Dylan Martin

With Nebraska and now Colorado all but gone to the Big Ten, one thing is clear: The Big 12 is dying, and not even Texas can save it.

With the Pac-10 sending invites to six Big 12 teams, the demise of the Big 12 seems to be closer than ever. The big prize of raiding the Big 12 is, of course, Texas.

While the West Coast-biased ESPN is hyping Texas to the now infamous Pac-16, I'll give a scenario few have given.

The year is 1991, and a 10-team SEC is looking to expand to 12 teams. A dying Southwest Conference is trying to stay together by keeping the Texas Longhorns. The SEC now sees this and goes after Texas. We all know the story: The Longhorns stay and help create a Big 12 conference but Texas was close to going to the SEC, with one exception—A&M has to go too.

Well, now the Big 12 is dying, and the SEC wants A&M and Texas now. It's only a matter of time.

The SEC is currently the big dawg of college football, and you better believe that SEC commissioner Mike Slive will do anything to keep it that way. So stealing Texas and A&M from the grasp of the Pac-10 is not out of the question.

Conference expansion is like playing a game of poker. While the Pac-10 and to some extent the Big Ten are showing their "hand," the SEC has the glasses on and is playing it cool—which should bring a giant red flag to the others.

Countless articles have written that the SEC is "playing it safe." I say they are "playing it cool" and not letting anyone see what they are about to do. Not too long ago Slive said he would talk to Texas and A&M if anything should happen in the world of college football. Well, it looks like the SEC had talks with A&M months ago.  

Remember now, Texas would have gone to the SEC in '91 had the SEC taken A&M as well. Well, now it seems the SEC wants both A&M and Texas. The only question remains, is that deal still valid? It is in the eyes of Texas Governor Rick Perry, who says Texas and A&M must stick together if they do leave the Big 12. 

If the statement is true, then Texas may follow A&M to become part of the powerful SEC. The fate of Texas and A&M might be decided as early as today with Texas and A&M officials meeting today.

And finally to pump up belief that Texas might go to the SEC SI is now reporting that the SEC, Texas, and A&M might get together to talk about expansion just like in 1991.




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