
WWE Elimination Chamber 2021 Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights

The Doctor Chris Mueller

The Royal Rumble begins the Road to WrestleMania every year but before we get to The Show of Shows, we make a pitstop at Elimination Chamber.

The event was headlined by two Chamber matches: one for Raw and one for SmackDown. While the Raw match included Drew McIntyre defending the WWE title, the blue brand's bout only gave the winner a shot at Roman Reigns' Universal Championship.

After revealing she was pregnant on Monday's Raw, Lacey Evans dropped out of her match with Asuka. WWE didn't name a replacement and finally removed the contest from the PPV page on Sunday morning. 

We also saw Bobby Lashley defend the U.S. Championship, and the women's tag titles were on the line when Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax defended them against Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair.

Let's take a look at everything that happened at this year's Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. 


Live updates will begin after the Kickoff special. Refresh this page throughout the show for results. 

Mustafa Ali vs. John Morrison vs. Ricochet vs. Elias

WWE announced Keith Lee was unable to compete due to an injury, so he was replaced in the U.S. title match by the winner of this Fatal 4-Way with Mustafa Ali, Ricochet, Elias and John Morrison.

Ricochet nailed Ali with a dropkick as soon as the match started. Morrison and Elias formed a union, but The One and Only was able to send both men out of the ring. Ali prevented him from jumping out onto them with a roll-up for a two-count.

Elias used his size advantage to momentarily control all three opponents before all four men were involved in a neckbreaker spot that led to Ali getting a near-fall. 

Elias came close to winning with a chokeslam but when he tried to hit Ricochet with a powerbomb, Morrison took him out with a springboard kick to the face. Ricochet started to build up a head of steam as he took out Ali and Elias at the same time.

While Retribution was busy taking out Ricochet at ringside, Morrison took advantage and rolled up Ali for the win. 


Grade: B+



For a match that ended up being added at the last second due to Lee's injury, this ended up being one of the best things we could have hoped for in this situation.

This was a fun, fast-paced Fatal 4-Way that saw everyone involved have a few chances to show off what makes them special. Nobody felt overshadowed or left out, which is a hard thing to do in this kind of bout.

Morrison winning was a nice surprise. He has been playing second fiddle to The Miz for months, and it would be great to see him have a chance to fight for a title on his own. 

SmackDown Elimination Chamber

Cesaro and Daniel Bryan started in the ring while Baron Corbin, Jey Uso, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn took their place in the four Elimination Chamber pods.

The Yes Man and The Swiss Superman started with a basic exchange. They didn't rely on the chamber right away. They kept the match in the ring and focused on the basics.

Bryan was the first to send his opponent out of the ring and followed up with a flying knee from the top turnbuckle. They kept going back and forth without one man taking control for too long. After a few more competitive minutes, Corbin came in and drove Cesaro into the side of a pod. 

The Lone Wolf immediately took control of the two tired competitors. He planted both men with the Deep Six for a pair of close two-counts. Bryan began to favor his knee after Corbin started to focus on it.

Cesaro and Bryan would occasionally get in some offense but Corbin dominated the action until Zayn entered the match. He tried to hold the door to his pod shut but Cesaro pulled him out from the other side. 

Zayn missed a Helluva Kick and hit the pod holding Owens. Zayn ended up on top of Uso's pod and Cesaro climbed up to join him. The Great Liberator tried to climb the wall to get away and The Swiss Superman followed to send him crashing to the floor. Cesaro did a few pull-ups on the Chamber to show off, and he eliminated Corbin with a Sharpshooter right before Owens was released from his pod.

Zayn tried to form a team with KO but The Prizefighter ran him from pod to pod before taking him down with a clothesline. Uso was the last man to enter the match and went right for Owens. They brawled, and KO was able to knock the back wall out of a pod by throwing Uso into it.

Owens eliminated Zayn with a Stunner. As he left the Chamber, Uso used the door to crush Owens' arm and pin him in place for a series of superkicks. He hit a big splash to pin and eliminate KO. Uso stomped on Bryan's injured knee before Cesaro wiped him out with an uppercut. 

Cesaro swung Bryan around by his bad leg until Uso hit him with a superkick. He nailed Cesaro with a big splash for the pin to score another elimination. He hit the splash to Bryan but failed to get the pin. He tried a second splash from the top of a pod but Bryan got his knees up. The Yes Man hit the Running Knee for the pin and the win. 


Grade: A-



This may not go down as the best Chamber match of all time, but it could be a top-five pick for a lot of fans. It had great action, served several storylines and allowed all six competitors to shine without anyone feeling left out.

They limited the high-flying spots from the pods and that helped make Uso's attempted splash at the end have a greater impact when he missed. 

Cesaro, Owens and Uso would have all been acceptable choices to win after the performances they put on, but Bryan is the ultimate underdog. This storyline fit him better than anyone else. 

Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns (Universal Championship)

Roman Reigns' music hit as soon as the Chamber was lifted off of the ring. Bryan looked worn out but when the universal champion rushed him after the bell, he took him down into the Yes Lock.

The Tribal Chief was able to escape and take control with a series of clubbing blows. He planted Bryan with a powerbomb before applying a Guillotine Choke. The ref called for the bell when his opponent was unable to respond. 

As he celebrated his win, Reigns was Speared out of his boots by Edge. The Rated-R Superstar pointed to the WrestleMania 37 sign as pyro went off to signal the men's Royal Rumble winner had made his choice of opponent for April 10-11. 


Grade: B+



As a match, this was short and to the point. Nobody will say this was a main event-caliber performance or put it up for Match of the Year. But, as a chapter in a story, it worked perfectly.

Bryan looked valiant in defeat, and Reigns gets heat for being an opportunistic and dominant heel. It makes sense. It won't make everybody happy but it worked.

Edge taking The Tribal Chief down and making his official decision to challenge him at WrestleMania was a great way to end this, but it might have made more sense to have that moment close the show. 

Bobby Lashley vs. Riddle vs. John Morrison (US Title)

Lashley received some pyro for his entrance to battle Riddle and Morrison in this Triple Threat match. JoMo backed off as soon as the bell rang so The All Mighty could go after The Original Bro.

Morrison acted like he was going to work with Lashley, but the titleholder was not having it. He threw his opponents around like they were nothing. He flung Riddle out of the ring and sent Morrison flying off the apron into the barricade. 

Riddle tried to jump onto Lashley from the steps, but the powerhouse caught him and threw him to the ground. Riddle and Morrison tried to make an alliance, but Lashley easily took out both at once. They were able to corner the champ and get in a few shots before he came back and destroyed them.

Morrison and Riddle had a nice exchange of strikes and takedowns after they temporarily took Lashley out of the equation. Riddle hit the Floating Bro on The All Mighty, and Morrison followed up with Starship Pain but the champion kicked out at two. 

Riddle used MVP's crutch to attack Lashley and then grabbed Morrison and hit Bro Derek for the win to become the new United States champion. 


Grade: B



This is the kind of dominant performance Lashley has needed for a long time. He has been on a roll lately, but this is the best he has looked in a long time. It's a shame he couldn't have looked this good with a victory. 

Morrison and Riddle added some fun moments to the action but were outshined by the former champion in every way. The only good thing this can lead to is Lashley chasing the WWE title moving forward.

Riddle is a controversial Superstar. Some people love his gimmick while others find him annoying. Time will tell if he can win over his critics with a run as the U.S. champion. 

Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair (Tag Titles)

Reginald interrupted an interview with Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair to say he was putting a bottle of champagne on ice to celebrate their eventual victory.

The women's Royal Rumble winner said they might also need it to celebrate her making a decision about who she will challenge at WrestleMania.

Belair and Jax began for their teams and tried to overpower each other. The EST of WWE taunted her opponent before tagging The Boss. The challengers had a slight miscommunication but it led to Belair using Banks as a weapon to take out Jax. 

Baszler and Jax were able to take control of Banks as The Queen of Spades started focusing on her arm to soften her up for a submission. The champions kept The Boss isolated for a couple of minutes while keeping themselves fresh with quick tags.

Banks got in a burst of offense and scored a few near-falls. Belair hit a facebuster, and Banks followed up with a frog splash for a close two-count. The EST hit the KOD, but Jax pulled her out of the ring to prevent a pin.

Reginald came out as The Boss locked Jax in the Bank Statement. He tried to give Banks a bottle to use as a weapon and the ref saw it.

Jax took advantage of the distraction and hit Banks with her finisher for the win to retain the women's tag team titles. 


Grade: C



This match had some bright spots but the ending was overbooked and the storyline with Reginald makes no sense. Does he actually want to help Banks or is this all a ruse to help Carmella somehow?

Belair did not make her decision at the end, so we will probably have to wait until SmackDown to find out if she will challenge The Boss or not. 

This bout felt more like something we should have seen on TV. Asuka defending her title against a mystery challenger would have been a better way to go. 

Raw Elimination Chamber (WWE Championship)

Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles, Sheamus and Kofi Kingston took their place in the pods while Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton started in the ring.

The Celtic Warrior had already earned the right to be the final entrant in a Gauntlet match on Raw. 

Orton hit a kick to the gut to take control right out of the gate. He threw Hardy out of the ring and started using the chamber as a weapon immediately. Hardy came back and beat him down with a series of right hands, but one thumb to the eye put The Viper back in the driver's seat. 

McIntyre was the first man released from a pod and after he took out Orton, he set his sights on Hardy. He drove The Charismatic Enigma into the side of Kingston's pod. The Viper and McIntyre fought as The New Day member was released from his pod. After a brief fight, Kingston rolled up Orton to eliminate him.

Orton hit Kingston and Hardy with RKOs on his way out. AJ Styles had Omos rip the back of his pod off so he could enter the match early in an attempt to get some easy eliminations, but Hardy and Kingston both kicked out.

WWE official Adam Pearce angrily removed Omos from ringside, before Kingston spiked Styles with a DDT while Hardy and McIntyre battled in the ring. 

The Scottish Warrior began building momentum as he took out everyone in sight. He was the only man standing when Sheamus entered the match. They had a brief staredown before throwing punches. After a couple of minutes, Kingston took them both down with a dive. 

Kingston ended up on top of a pod while everybody else performed a Tower of Doom in the corner. Kingston took out everybody with a dive from the pod but was unable to pin anyone. Sheamus drilled him with a Brogue Kick to take him out of the match.

Hardy climbed to the top of a pod and took out Sheamus and McIntyre with a Whisper in the Wind. He nailed Styles with a Swanton before McIntyre hit a Claymore to eliminate Hardy from the match. 

Sheamus hit McIntyre with a Brogue Kick but before he could make a cover, Styles hit him with a Phenomenal Forearm to get the pin. Styles tried to regroup as he waited for McIntyre to get to his feet. He went for another forearm but jumped right into a Claymore to give the Scot the win. 

As McIntyre celebrated his victory, Lashley came out of nowhere to hit a huge Spear. He decimated the champion as he beat him all around the ring.

The Miz's music then hit and he ran down with a ref to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. He spiked the champ with a DDT for a two-count before planting him with a Skull-Crushing Finale for the win. The A-Lister is the new WWE champion. 


Grade: A-



The star power in this match was enough to sell it as the main event on its own. Over two dozen world titles and several other championships between these competitors made this one of the biggest Elimination Chamber matches of all time in terms of accolades. 

Once again, all six men looked great. Other than Styles almost missing a 450 splash, it's hard to think of a single thing that looked bad. The Phenomenal One even managed to save it before the landing.

The order of eliminations seemed a little strange, but the ending was exactly what a lot of people predicted. McIntyre won with a gutsy performance. This was just as good as the SmackDown Chamber match. 

The post-match attack by Lashley looked like it was going to set up McIntyre's next feud, but it instead led to The Miz cashing in. Love him or hate him, The A-Lister has always worked hard and will be a great heel champion. Raw is going to be interesting on Monday. 


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