
Ex-WWE Superstar Marty Jannetty Suggests He Killed Man in Self-Defense

Joseph Zucker

Former WWE star Marty Jannetty elaborated on the details behind a crime he said he committed when he was 13 years old. 

Per Wrestling Inc's Marc Middleton, in a since-deleted Facebook post, Jannetty wrote he "made a man disappear" and that authorities "shoulda looked in the Chattahoochie River." 

He said he was purchasing marijuana from a bowling alley coworker whom he believed to be gay, alleging the man "dragged me around to the back of the building."

Jannetty provided more context in an interview with Boston Wrestling Sports (via TMZ Sports).

"He was a front desk clerk," Jannetty said of the man. "He was known to sell the weed. What I didn't know was he lured in little kids."

He alleged that the man attempted to touch his genitals and "grabbed me by the hair and by my shirt" when he tried to get away. Jannetty said the man was trying to pull his pants down. He then hit the man in the head with a brick: "I was only trying to beat his ass, I wasn't trying to kill him."

He said he disposed of the body in the Chattahoochee River.

Middleton noted a bowling alley, Victory Lanes Family Bowling Center, was once in operation next to the Chattahoochee River in Jannetty's hometown of Columbus, Georgia.

The Columbus Police Department confirmed to TMZ Sports that it plans to look into the situation.

"The first step will be seeing if we have any missing persons or unidentified remains cases that match the limited information in the post," a spokesperson said.

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