Craig Mitchelldyer/Associated Press

NBA Releases Social Justice PSA Video: 'The Truth Is Black Lives Matter'

Adam Wells

The NBA has produced a new social justice public service announcement that was released Friday night through its social media channels. 

Combining images and footage of players speaking at protests across the country, the NBA video ends with the message, "Because the truth is Black Lives Matter":

This message comes in the wake of commissioner Adam Silver announcing "a shared goal" between the league and players for resuming the season on July 30 in Orlando will lead to "collective action towards combating systematic racism and promoting social justice."

Silver also noted the league will use its platform to "increase Black representation in all positions across the NBA and its teams, ensure greater inclusion of Black-operated businesses across NBA business activities, and the formation of an NBA foundation to expand educational and economic development opportunities across the Black community."

Several NBA players, including reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo, Malcolm Brogdon, Jaylen Brown and Damian Lillard, took part in protests against systemic racism and social injustice stemming from the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by police officers. 


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