Larry Busacca/Getty Images

John Wall's Mother, Frances Pulley, Dies of Cancer

Adam Wells

Frances Pulley, mother of Washington Wizards star John Wall, died Friday of cancer.

John Calipari, who was Wall's head coach at the University of Kentucky, posted a statement on Twitter:

The Wizards also offered their condolences to Wall and his family:

During an in-game interview with Chris Miller of NBC Sports Washington (h/t Josh Luckenbaugh of NBC Sports Washington) in February, Wall spoke publicly about his mother's cancer diagnosis.  

"My spirits are great, man," Wall said. "Just spending time with my son, spending time with my mom that's battling cancer. God don't make no mistakes. I can't wonder why He did this, probably it's a good time to spend with my mom while she's battling this cancer and be there for her, and also be there for my son."

Wall honored Pulley that same month by getting a tattoo of her with "Dear Mama" written across his back. 


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