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WWE 2K20 Review: Latest Scores, Expert Opinions and Most Exciting Additions

Theo Salaun

There are two types of game reviewers: the critical and the forgiving. Practically no experts have reviewed WWE 2K20, so we are left with just one expert of each type—Forbes’ Brian Mazique and Give Me Sport’s Oliver Browning, respectively.

Mazique didn’t really like 2K20 (although he is kind enough to suggest that they may be able to fix it with a few patches), while Browning appreciated their efforts to evolve the franchise.

Honestly, I appreciate those efforts, too. WWE 2K20 features more female Superstar gameplay, a cinematic, mixed tag team career mode and DLC packs that seem to be ambitiously fantastical.

Some like professional wrestling principally for its outlandish storylines, colorful characters and unrelentingly kitsch drama. Others prefer its crisp execution of acrobatic feats and calculated technique. If you’re of the former camp, you’ll probably be thrilled with 2K20’s newest additions. If you sit with the latter, you should probably stick to WWE 2K19.

That sentiment was echoed in Mazique’s review, as he noted that "the previous year's version of a game shouldn’t play significantly better than the new title, but that’s the case with WWE 2K20." He cited issues with the game’s targeting, flow, glitches and collision detection as the primary drivers of his ire. His summary of the gameplay experience was painfully blunt: "WWE 2K20 just isn’t fun to play."

Browning, our second type of reviewer, was more open to the game’s sacrifice of gameplay fluidity in favor of a minuscule button remapping: "The decision to streamline the controls makes sense, as they have become much more responsive and easier to work, but it will take some time for more experienced players to get used to." 

It’s possible that Browning is a charitable rhetorician, and by "take some time for more experienced players to get used to" he means "take a few patches from the game developer for players (specifically, those who want new games to run at least as smoothly as older versions of the same game) to get used to." 


Although 2K20’s gameplay and graphics are certainly questionable, the newest additions seem to hit the right notes. The MyCareer experience earned eight out of 10 from Browning and the following admiration from Mazique: "The 20-hour journey is timed just about right, and on structure alone, this piece of the game is in a good place." Considering his 5.25 overall score, "in a good place" is incredible praise. 

As for the new DLC, you can fight demonic Superstars as a reptilian Randy Orton in a cemetery arena surrounded by zombie fans and an undead referee. That’s pretty fun and the kind of experimentation that could help propel the WWE 2K franchise forward once the bugs are worked out.


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