Chuck Burton/Associated Press

Michael Jordan Invests Millions of Dollars in Friends of the Children Nonprofit

Tim Daniels

NBA legend Michael Jordan announced Thursday he's making a multimillion-dollar investment in Friends of the Children, a nationwide nonprofit organization that "breaks the cycle of generational poverty."

The Portland Business Journal provided a statement from Jordan about his donation, which comes from the payout he received for the ESPN Films and Netflix documentary series, The Last Dance:

"What stood out to me about Friends of the Children was that they employ and train their mentors and that they commit to every child for 12-and-a-half years. That dedication is important to me. My mentors believed in me and taught me the power of perseverance. I want youth in Friends of the Children to see that they have that same potential."

The organization provides at-risk children with a "salaried, professional mentor, called a Friend, for their entire childhood, from kindergarten through graduation."

Jordan, who is the owner of the Charlotte Hornets, helped Friends of the Children reach their $25 million fundraising goal, according to the Portland Business Journal.

"It's not every day that you get a call that Michael Jordan—arguably most famous athlete in the world—had heard about your organization and wanted to support it. We got that call," Friends of the Children CEO Terri Sorensen said. "We are thrilled beyond measure for this generous gift and recognition for our lasting impact."

Jordan previously helped Friends of the Children by donating proceeds from a commemorative Chicago Bulls jersey to the organization last spring. The item sold out.  

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