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'Last Chance U' Announced for 4th Season; Will Return to Independence College

Rob Goldberg

The Netflix documentary series Last Chance U has been renewed for a fourth season, according to Kaelen Jones of Sports Illustrated

The show, which provides a behind-the-scenes look at a junior college football team, will return to Kansas to cover the Independence Community College football team for the second straight year.

"Coach [Jason] Brown has recruited a number of players this season who have compelling back stories and it seems the Jayhawk conference as a whole has seen a surge in recruiting," executive producer Greg Whiteley said about staying at Independence for a second season.

"As such, we feel that a return trip to Kansas is warranted. After visiting the ICC campus last week and meeting the new players, I think Season 4 could be our best season yet," Whiteley added.

The first two years of the series followed East Mississippi Community College.

In March, the streaming show was nominated for a Sports Emmy for Outstanding Serialized Sports Documentary.


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