Ethan Miller/Getty Images

114 Pairs of LeBron James' Game-Worn Shoes Line Lobby of 'I Promise School'

Timothy Rapp

LeBron JamesFamily Foundation and the Akron Public Schools opened the I Promise School on Monday, and one of the cool features is a wall in the building lined with James' game-worn shoes:

On Sunday, James took to Twitter to talk about the opening of the school, which will start with grades three and four with plans of future expansion:

Brian Windhorst of shared the mission of the school, which got off the ground in large part because James has been "donating millions to the project and securing support from corporate and educational sponsors."

"The I Promise School has a longer school day and longer school year. More than 40 staff members will attempt to accelerate the development of children who qualify for the program based on performance and socioeconomic factors.

"For those who complete the program, which has been operating for years, James has arranged for free tuition to the University of Akron starting in 2021."

Surely, attending the school that James helped build and seeing reminders of his great career every day is quite the motivation.

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