MMA Fighter Suffers Gruesome Injury, Shortly After Gets KO'd Via Head Kick

Brian Oswald

Warning: The above video clip contains graphic footage.

If you're an MMA fan, you're used to you seeing crazy things happen on the regular. And if you're a fighter you'll experience more injuries in your career that the next nine folks combined. 

But not like this. 

At Legacy Fighting Alliance 39 in Vail, Colorado, this past Friday night, Jerome Rivera experienced a gruesome injury followed by a highlight-reel insult.  

Following an exchange that involved Brandon Royval forcing Rivera against the cage wall, Rivera emerged with his right arm dangling in a way that indicated he'd dislocated or even broken his arm. 

Rivera ran from Royval in an attempt to stop the fight but Royval, who didn't appear to notice his opponent's injury, chased him down and blasted him with a head kick knockout, at which point the referee jumped in and stopped the fight. 

From a different angle, it appeared Rivera sustained the injury when he pushed off against the cage wall with his arm. Hopefully Rivera heals up quickly, but he may want to reconsider this whole cage fighting thing

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