AJ Styles Credit: WWE.com

Booking AJ Styles as SmackDown Champion Through WWE WrestleMania 34

Tom Clark

WWE fans have even more of a reason to love AJ Styles.

That's due to Styles' recent win over Jinder Mahal for the WWE Championship. Finally, The Modern Day Maharajah lost his strap and his top spot on the blue brand. The experiment with Mahal was a failure in the eyes of many, who couldn't wait until it was over.

Now that Styles is once again on top, Mahal's critics could not be happier.

But AJ is just getting started on this newest run, of course. WWE may have the right man in place; however, that man has a long way to go until WrestleMania 34 in 2018. Styles' fans would love to see him get to The Grandest Stage of Them All, but if he does, he will surely be busy along the way.


The Beast Awaits

Styles will probably mix it up with Mahal on the way to Survivor Series, but that's just a roadblock on the way to The Beast Incarnate.

Brock Lesnar will be standing across from AJ in the Survivor Series ring on November 19. It's a dream match that fans likely expected would never happen, yet it's indeed on the way. WWE's most dominant force will meet the man who is arguably the best in the world today.

The size difference is staggering, as Styles is giving up 68 pounds to his opponent. Each man has been in the business nearly 20 years, and both are 40 years old. But the biggest similarities involve the amount of respect both men have earned in their careers.

Brock Lesnar Credit: WWE.com

Lesnar has faced the best and beaten the best. The same is true of Styles. They may have reached their future Hall of Fame statuses in different ways, but they have both achieved a level of recognition that most Superstars can only dream of.

But for Lesnar, this should be much more than "Brock smash."

Styles cannot be squashed at Survivor Series. It's just not the right thing to do. Lesnar can win by disqualification because of interference by Mahal. Lesnar can win because someone from Raw comes in and takes Styles down when the referee's back is turned.

However, Lesnar cannot destroy Styles and then win clean.

This must be a competitive match, one in which Styles holds his own. Lesnar will have the power advantage, of course, and he will get his spots in, but Styles must counter at every possible turn. Lesnar is a monster, but Styles has made a career out of proving he belongs on the same level as any powerhouse he's ever faced.

Styles may even win the match. Despite how that victory could come, he must walk away from Survivor Series looking good and leaving no doubt that he's just getting started.


The Workhorse Champion

A dream match with Shawn Michaels never materialized for Styles, but this latest title run could bring back memories of The Heartbreak Kid.

Michaels was the workhorse of WWE at one time, and he was definitely a working champion. That's exactly what Styles should be now. The next big event for Styles and SmackDown Live is Clash of Champions on December 17. Until that night, Styles must keep busy.

Styles should always be booked in a great spot on the card—that much is a given. He can cut a promo anywhere during the program, but his actual matches should be in the main event. He should take on all challengers, always choosing to show off whenever possible.

Baron Corbin, Rusev, Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler should all be in line waiting for a shot at the champ, and Styles should answer the call. Whether it's a title match will make no difference; Styles will be on his game every time.

It's not about building a reputation; AJ has already done that. It's about reminding fans of just how good he is and proving that he is indeed the best in the world.

Getting in the ring week after week is part of that process.

Styles is in the prime of his WWE career, and wearing the title is important for many reasons. He's not an experiment like Mahal and he's not a part-time champion like Lesnar. This is one of those rare instances when fans can look at the top champion and truly know that he is the best on the roster.

WWE doesn't put the belts on the best enough to make it count. Styles is definitely the exception.


The Underdog Overachieves

If Sami Zayn successfully rebounds from his recent issues with WWE, then he may be the perfect challenger for Styles' WWE Championship.

Thanks to Owens, Zayn is back in the game like never before. He's enjoying more spotlight than he ever has, and his career definitely seems to be on the upswing. He may be just another face in the crowd without Owens' influence, but with it, he's a contender.

Styles vs. Zayn may be the best possible match for Clash of Champions.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens Credit: WWE.com

Of course, a lot has to happen before that match becomes a possibility. Zayn has to get a bit hotter than he is now, and he eventually has to make a statement against Styles. Unfortunately for AJ's fans, that statement will likely come as a sneak attack.

If Zayn lays out Styles, then the gauntlet will officially be thrown down. Even if he jumps ahead of other guys to get there, Zayn will immediately be thrust into the limelight and to the top of the card. Working the champ is a great spot to be in, and Zayn could very well find himself doing just that.

But if it happens, then Styles will be the last man standing.

The WWE Championship will remain with The Phenomenal One after COC is over. The match between Styles and Zayn will be good, and it may even be great. Zayn has the ability to deliver that sort of performance, especially against the best in the business.

Styles has the ability to take a top worker and elevate him even higher. That's surely what will happen if he faces Zayn on December 17.


The Road to Nakamura

Styles has two big events remaining after the Survivor Series: the Royal Rumble on January 28 and either Elimination Chamber or Fastlane afterward. Fastlane will most likely be a SmackDown-branded event, which means Styles could conceivably drop the belt and then regain it at WrestleMania on April 8.

But that may not be the right booking for him.

AJ deserves a lengthy title run. The championships in WWE have been weak at best, mostly because of the overall lack of high-quality title matches and the number of times the titles change hands. Longevity is the key, and of any current champ on the roster, Styles should definitely have that longevity.

Shinsuke Nakamura Credit: WWE.com

So if Styles is meant to carry the WWE Championship to WrestleMania, then he may lose it that night. The list of potential opponents may include Owens, Randy Orton, John Cena or possibly even Chris Jericho. But the man many want to see in that spot is Shinsuke Nakamura.

Styles vs. Nakamura is the match that must happen. From the moment Nakamura came to WWE, many fans were already talking about the potential matchup and counting the days until it actually happened.

The United States Championship didn't bring the two together, but the WWE title probably will.

This is a main event match anywhere in the world, and that was evident when the two faced off under the New Japan banner in 2016. Fans knew how good each man was, but together, Styles and Nakamura were the perfect pairing. That will also be the case if they work together at 'Mania.

The only real issue is Nakamura's booking. He went from zero to title contender seemingly overnight and then failed to defeat Mahal for the WWE Championship. Fans were not only surprised. Many were indeed disappointed.

Why not put Nakamura over, especially considering he was so much better than Mahal?

The answer to that question may lie with Styles. If the plan was to put the belt back on AJ, then the plan may also have been to book him against Nakamura at some point. While it could happen before April 8, that may indeed be a waste.

Styles vs. Nakamura, if handled properly, will be one of the greatest main events in WWE history. Why would that type of distinction be used anywhere but on the WrestleMania stage?

So the onus is on WWE to elevate Nakamura once again. Though facing Styles is the obvious move, Nakamura must still earn his title shot. His booking between Survivor Series and WrestleMania must be on point, just as it must be for Styles.

A red-hot Nakamura facing a red-hot Styles is the right thing to do. Anything else would be a disservice to what would undoubtedly be a WrestleMania classic.


Tom Clark can regularly be seen on Bleacher Report. His podcast, Tom Clark's Main Event, is available on iTunes, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Amazon Android, Windows Phone and online at boinkstudios.com.


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