
Carlos Boozer Explains What Happened That Time His Hair Turned into Shoe Polish

Dan Carson

Carlos Boozer went on Highly Questionable on Tuesday and did the things you do on Highly Questionable: shoot the breeze and give the juice.

And for a mostly unassuming—if not loud—NBA character, Boozer had a lot of interesting stuff to talk about.

There was that time he ran from a grizzly bear while growing up in Alaska. And that incident with Prince, who rented out Boozer's pad and threw him some hush money to not talk about the glitter-encrusted atrocities that occurred therein.

Oh yeah, what about that time when Boozer played a game looking like he'd napped on a pile of chocolate glazed doughnuts? That was a fun one.

After years of silence, Boozer finally spoke on this weird moment in NBA history.

He said about what you'd expect: that he was losing his hair and a friend offered to try a new coloring treatment to help him get his hairline back.

Truth be told, I started losing my hair a little bit. ... They came out with this...it's like a hair dye for men called "The Beijing." Well, I had one guy that was like, "Yo, have you ever thought about growing your hair out?" And I was like, "Yeah, I was thinking about it until I saw some of these little bald spots on my head." ... He was telling me, "You grow your hair out. I can cover it up a little bit. Make it look like a regular haircut." So I tried it. And he just made my stuff look like shoe polish up there.

Like I said, that's not a wild surprise. But it is nice to hear the words coming out of Boozer's own mouth. I didn't really suspect him of using raw brownie batter as a hair supplement, but it's good we can officially rule that out now.

Also, I think I figured out who it is giving NBA players all these rowdy haircut suggestions.

Highly Questionable

Just saying. Could be divine.

Dan is on Twitter. He'll take a Boosie fade to-go.

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