
WWE SummerSlam 2015: Full Results, Analysis and Top Performances

Aaron Bower

There's plenty of questions left to be answered after a confusing and ultimately disappointing 2015 edition of SummerSlam.

A show that promised much across a four-hour period ended up feeling like a pay-per-view with plenty of filler, with a number of matches failing to intrigue or having subpar endings.

The company's analysis will have to run deep and extensively to figure out how to get some of its biggest stars back on track as we head toward Night of Champions.

Full Results


The immediate and most high-profile analysis of the night at SummerSlam will naturally focus on Brock Lesnar's controversial defeat to The Undertaker.

Was it the right move? That won't become truly clear until the impact it has had on Lesnar is revealed in the coming weeks. It also remains to be seen whether Undertaker's full-fledged heel turn will come off.

What it does mean is that the episode of Raw on Monday night is likely to feature an immense amount of vitriol on the mic from Paul Heyman, who will likely open Raw with a real bang.

The whole debacle of Undertaker sneakily tapping out before hitting Lesnar with a low blow was confusing at the time, but as it sinks in, there could be method in the madness. It will no doubt set up a decisive meeting between the three, something which wouldn't have been as appealing had Lesnar won the second straight bout.

Elsewhere, WWE world heavyweight champion Seth Rollins had another productive night at the office. Thanks to the help of Jon Stewart, another man to add to the list of his allies, he escaped with not only his world title but the United States Championship, too.

What's perhaps most interesting here is not so much Rollins vs. Cena (as that will certainly continue into Night of Champions), but what The Authority and Rollins do with the U.S. Title.

It could certainly let Rollins surrender the belt and create a bit of interest for the midcard with another title at stake, leaving Cena to have a clean run at the World Heavyweight Championship.

Take Cesaro and Kevin Owens, for example: They might benefit from the insertion of a title like this into their feud, or WWE Creative could even go a step further and hold a tournament for the title if it was to become vacant.

Rollins has no business with the title; he will clearly revel in taking it from Cena, but the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is his priority.

The overall picture and landscape in WWE would suit a vacant belt, giving a fresh lift to the midcard after a timid SummerSlam.

Top Performances

To be brutally honest, it's hard to look anywhere other than The New Day. It's not just the performance the trio put on in the ring which caught the eye, but that it seems to have the full package on the mic and beyond.

Xavier Woods is clearly the mouthpiece of the group and plays the role well, but he's backed up brilliantly by Kofi Kingston and especially Big E. 


They've turned what was a stop-start gimmick at the beginning into a hugely enjoyable one thanks to hard work and their own creative input, and it's set them apart at the head of the tag division. Right now, nobody comes even close to the trio as realistic tag champions.

Although it wasn't perhaps the best standout wrestling performance of the night, the pleasant surprise of the night has to go to Stephen Amell.

The Arrow star caught the eye by literally throwing himself into the match and even showed plenty of nice touches when it came to delivering moves. What stood out the most, though, was the amount of bumps he took: for a non-wrestler, he was very impressive.

Kevin Owens and Cesaro also cemented their fledgling reputations by putting on a nice prelude to Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker in the final hour.

It's a shame it didn't run a bit longer, but Night of Champions simply has to provide an opportunity for a rematch after this impressive bout. 

Finally, credit goes to both Seth Rollins and John Cena for their showing in the Winner Takes All bout before the surprise ending involving Jon Stewart.

Cena gets a lot of criticism for his in-ring performances, but recent showings against Kevin Owens and Cesaro have shown that he can handle it when competing against the most technically brilliant in-ring technicians.


Rollins is another of those, and the WWE world heavyweight champion brought the best out of Cena, and vice versa, in what was arguably the most enjoyable match of the night, from a purist's point of view.

The champion's suicide dives and flips over the top rope were followed up with a great frog splash and a well-executed Attitude Adjustment. The champ showed why he's rightly at the head of the company at the moment, and credit has to go to Cena for standing up to Rollins' unique attacking barrage really well.


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