You know what's delicious? Fruit bars.
Ice-cold pops filled with chunks of real fruit are the king of low-calorie desserts. They give you your daily recommended value of nutritious fruit without all the hassle of chewing. They're like lickable Emergen-C packs, or something!
But like any good thing, you can have too much of it. Terry Francona had too many fruit bars, and Terry Francona ended up in fruit bar purgatory—a dark and sweaty place where fruit gluttons go to serve their penance.
The Cleveland Indians manager went on the record about his fruit bar addiction in a recent interview with's Ryan Lewis.
Speaking on the Cleveland clubhouse's well-stocked fridge of grape fruit bars, Francona told Lewis he once ate 17 of the treats and spent the night trying not to paint the walls of his room a deep purple:
I had 17 the other night. No, that's not a lie. They're healthy, so if one's good, 17's gotta be real good. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like borderline, like it was coming up. But I was so tired that I just laid there for about an hour and I was like, "Don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up." I should have got up and threw up. And then I woke up in the morning and I was like, "****". So I started counting the sticks. They're so good. Obviously I don't get tired of them. They're so ******** good.
Because Brandon [Moss] took over nine boxes and there's six in each box. There's one box left. So I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. They're good, man. And they have them on the plane, too. When the lady comes by with a basket I just grab the basket like, "I'll handle this."
Fruit bar addiction is a scary thing, guys. It starts innocently, with your mom bringing home a box of Edy's frozen strawberry fruit bars.
"Only 80 calories?" you cry. "And they're all natural?"
But one bar becomes two bars, and before you know it, you're higher than a ring-tailed sky cat, double-fisting Minute Maid push pops in an alley behind Kroger. It wasn't supposed to go this far. You were going to night school. You had plans. But here you are now—a slave to concentrate. A fruit junkie. Juicy in the sky with problems.
But seriously, fruit bars are good. Just don't eat 17.
Dan is on Twitter. He kicked his fruit bar habit in '02. Kind of.
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