Trolls, take note—a list of people to stay away from on Twitter includes, but is not limited to: Colin Kaepernick, Steve Nash and Rihanna.
Let’s face it—Internet trolls are everywhere. Unfortunately for them, sometimes their not-so-nice social media digs backfire. Here are 12 such instances in sports when Twitter insults went awry, leaving the offender brutally in the dust.
Darren Rovell and Goats
Darren Rovell of ESPN recently got into a little cyber chat with the Chicago Cubs via Twitter. After posting a photo of the team’s gift to season ticket holders, Rovell jokingly asked if the Cubs had included any goats. Get it? Because of the Cubs “curse” involving a goat? Anyway, whoever runs the team’s social media had a perfect response.
Justin Timberlake Bandwagon
In November 2014, a fan called Justin Timberlake “bandwagon” after the singer tweeted support for the Memphis Grizzlies. Timberlake responded perfectly by pointing out that he was born in Memphis and is also a part-owner of the team. Burn.
In an unforeseen twist, the fan actually tweeted back, with some pictures of Timberlake in Los Angeles Lakers gear. Also burn. This didn’t really work out well for either of them.
Suns Defend Mercury
In February, one man warned the Phoenix Suns via Twitter, “y'all better not play like females.” The Suns responded with a classy defense of female athletes, and the troll appeared to back off.
Jon Lester Responds to Everyone
When Jon Lester left the Boston Red Sox in 2014, he responded directly to many of the negative tweets sent his way. And after a rough start with the Chicago Cubs this season, he was at it again. Lester responded calmly to belligerent tweets, and he also offered gratitude to those who sent kind words his way.
Word to the wise: Don’t assume athletes won’t bother to respond to online garbage-spewing. They might, and they might just embarrass offenders while they’re at it.
Nash Brings up Temecula
Steve Nash will blow you out of the water if you’re not careful. Prior to the legend's retirement, one guy called Nash “frail” via Twitter, among other, less appropriate descriptors. Nash replied, “I’m the hardest 41 yr old you know Brodie. Watch your mouth or temecula.” Temecula was a reference to a Kobe Bryant-related fan feud, and it was brilliant.
Colin Kaepernick and the Guy with Eight Followers
Food for thought: Should you troll athletes on the Internet if you only have eight Twitter followers? Colin Kaepernick says no.
Kaep posted the details of an offseason workout to Twitter, and one guy responded with a not-very-nice comment about the quarterback’s throwing accuracy. Kaepernick launched into a series of lethal responses, including a challenge to send him a breakdown of defensive schemes. Long story short—he crushed the guy.
Damian Lillard and Some Guy's Teeth
Damian Lillard of the Portland Trail Blazers has proven himself to be a worthy Twitter adversary in the past. Back in March, he was at it again against someone who suggested he was no Steph Curry. It did not end well for the instigator.
Galaxy Can't Be Relegated
So relegation is not a thing in MLS like it is in European soccer leagues. One fan learned that the hard way when his attempt to insult the Los Angeles Galaxy went awry. The fan claimed Everton would, uh, beat the Galaxy and also said the team should be relegated. To this, the Galaxy's official Twitter account replied, “that’s literally impossible.”
Ravens Troll Heat
So the Baltimore Ravens official Twitter tried to troll the Miami Heat’s official Twitter, for some reason, and it just completely backfired.
The idea was to show that Baltimore’s Super Bowl parade in 2013 was superior to the Heat’s NBA championship parade. Unfortunately for the Ravens, the team’s allegation of poor attendance in Miami wasn’t actually true. Matt Vensel of The Baltimore Sun took the high road and reported the Heat’s parade had an estimated attendance almost twice that of the Ravens’.
Brandon Marshall Fight
I wouldn’t want to get in a fight with an NFL player. Then again, I also wouldn’t insult someone’s mother the way one guy did Brandon Marshall’s in a NSFW rant. Marshall’s response was to suggest the guy put his money where his mouth is. The NFL wide receiver offered to pay $5,000 for an actual fight. Big backfire.
Redskins and Kermit
The Philadelphia Eagles recently signed Tim Tebow to a one-year contract. Minutes after the team posted a photo of Tebow to its Twitter account, the Washington Redskins tweeted that one Kermit the Frog photo. You know, the one with him sipping iced tea that, in Internet land, means “but that’s none of my business.”
The perceived dig at the Eagles prompted the Twittersphere to point out Washington’s own quarterback woes. If the team did intend an insult, it didn’t exactly work out.
Lolo Jones and Rihanna
Who knows why Lolo Jones decided to diss both Rihanna and Drake with a 2014 tweet. It certainly didn’t go over well for her.
Rihanna has been romantically linked to Drake, as well as several professional athletes over the years. When Drake was announced as the 2014 ESPYs host, Jones took it upon herself to post this tweet, inexplicably digging both musicians. The Internet immediately came to Rihanna’s defense, and Jones got it back 10 times harder than she dished it out.
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