Kevin Durant and 7 Other NBA Players Who'd Star in an Office-Like Sitcom

Ricky Frech

As NBA stars become bigger and bigger celebrities, they begin to look for ways to improve their brand and increase their ability to produce revenue.

Usually this takes the form of shoe endorsements or various other commercials, but, as Uncle Drew and Blake Griffin have shown, these stars' personalities can translate to the screen.

The next step above commercials is an actual TV show, and the perfect way to start an NBA sitcom is to spin-off an immensely popular show that's nearing its end.

The Office's ninth season will be its last, and what better way to go out than to introduce an all-NBA lineup on  one of America's favorite comedies. 

Damian Lillard as Pete

Every office needs a young go-getter to bring some life as the other workers become old and tired.

Pete Miller, along with co-worker Gabe, seems to be that guy at Dunder-Mifflin and, because of his likability, he's been nicknamed the "New Jim."

Damian Lillard has likewise endeared himself to NBA fans with his silky smooth jumper and tireless work ethic.

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if we next learned that the future NBA Rookie of the Year could recite the entirety of Die Hard

Tim Duncan as Toby

This one might be a little more personal than the others, but I stand by it.

Much like Michael's seemingly unreasonable hatred toward Toby, there's something about Tim Duncan that's always irked me.

In addition, both guys are soft-spoken and generally keep to themselves while doing their job quietly, but well.

Zach Randolph as Darryl

Zach Randolph is the working man's NBA star, who shows a lot of grit as he grinds out his opponents (see what I did there, Memphis fans?).

Darryl is a former warehouse worker at Dunder-Mifflin who worked his way into a cushy office job.

Randolph has yet to see his hard work pay off with the same dividends, but, given the way the Grizzlies have been playing, this could be the year.

JaVale McGee as Kevin

It's hard to decide who's more baffling between Kevin Malone or JaVale McGee. But one thing's for certain, they're both fun to watch.

It's almost impossible not to love either of them.

Whether it's Kevin's obsession with poop jokes or JaVale's inability to know which way to run on a basketball court, these guys are always entertaining. 

Jeremy Lin as Andy

If there's one thing Andy Bernard is proud of, it's his alma mater, the Cornell Big Red.

Jeremy Lin also attended an Ivy League school. However, his was Harvard, and he doesn't exactly try to hold it over everyone like Andy does.

Other than the league their schools play in, Andy and Lin don't have much in common.

That said, no other NBA superstar matches up with Andy any better than Linsanity. 

Lebron James as Dwight

Dwight Schrute is the closest thing The Office has to a villain character, but he's also shown that he has a good heart under it all and grows to like his office-mates.

He also owns the hardware that rival and frenemy Jim Halpert doesn't, as he was named Northeastern Pennsylvania's Salesman of the Year.

LeBron James might not be quite the antagonist that Dwight is, but he does have experience being the villain, as well as owning quite a few awards that rival Kevin Durant doesn't.

They might not be everyone's favorite character, but you can't deny that these two are a big reason you turn on your TV every Thursday night.

Kevin Durant as Jim

Every sitcom needs an everyman that viewers can get behind.

This guy has to be funny, charming, nice, and it doesn't hurt if they make the ladies swoon.

Jim Halpert is that man.

He's the guy that everyone can relate to when they watch The Office. There aren't many people who weren't rooting for him when he was going after Pam Beasley in the ultimate "will they, won't they" relationship of our generation.

Durant is that same guy who you can't help but like. He's the nicest guy in the world. When he wins a championship, you know you'll be cheering him on.

Charles Barkley as Michael Scott

Could it really be anybody else?

Is there anybody else in the world who could put up with this cast of characters better than Sir Charles Barkley?

The answer: No way.

Much like Michael Scott, Chuck is a fun-loving goofball who hardly ever thinks before he talks, and he'd be the perfect cherry on top of this NBA sitcom sundae. 


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