Andy Lyons/Getty Images

Former NFL Star Chad Johnson Explains Why He Buys Fake Jewelry, Flies Spirit Airlines

Joseph Zucker

Former NFL star Chad Johnson loved attracting attention on the field, but the six-time Pro Bowler didn't see the sense in splurging on luxury goods away from it.

Speaking with Hall of Famer Shannon Sharpe, Johnson explained how he would purchase fake jewelry, fly commercially with Spirit Airlines and refrain from purchasing expensive cars because "there's nothing I can buy that's bigger than my name alone."

Johnson has alluded to his relatively thrifty ways over the years on social media.

There are numerous cautionary tales involving athletes or other celebrities losing a significant amount of money that they earned. When you're young and raking in the cash, it's easy to assume the good times will keep rolling.

In Johnson's case, he clearly made a concerted effort to avoid that fate, and it's something he maintains today. The $48.9 million he earned from the Cincinnati Bengals and New England Patriots has gone a long way.


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