Tony Dejak/Associated Press

Kevin Durant Hopes Kyrie Irving Finds Happiness Wherever He Plays

Alec Nathan

Kevin Durant knows a thing or two about switching teams, and he said Friday his only hope for Kyrie Irving is that he finds happiness wherever he winds up playing next season.

"I really don't care about the Kyrie Irving situation," Durant said at the NBA Academy in India, according to ESPN"I just want guys in the league to be happy where they're playing and have some fun playing ball.

"So, wherever that is, for Kyrie, I hope he finds that. But LeBron James is a phenomenal player. I got a chance to play on his team in the Olympics in 2012 and learned a lot from him."

SportsCenter relayed video of Durant's comments:

According to's Brian Windhorst, Irving met with Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert in mid-July and requested a trade because "he wants to play in a situation where he can be more of a focal point" and escape LeBron James' sizable shadow.

Sources later told's Chris Haynes that Irving would prefer to land with the San Antonio Spurs, New York Knicks, Miami Heat or Minnesota Timberwolves.

On Thursday, ESPN's Pablo Torre reported on First Take that Irving "very badly" wants to play for the Knicks.

The Cavaliers have reportedly fielded offers from at least six teams, including the Knicks, according to's Adrian Wojnarowski, but it's unclear if any of those proposals have piqued their interest.

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